
March 25, 2009

Sports: announcers, money, chance, baseball hats and sunglasses

Art: actor Oliver Hudson, money, chance, minute physical gestures

Montreal, QC

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Parc YMCA, circa 3 PM

The scene: A game of soccer among teenagers.  One goalie stood out from his jersey-clad peers. He was wearing a Rastafarian-style hat made out of a thick wool.  It covered a small portion of his dreadlocks, which were draped over a T-shirt featuring the U.S.S.R. insignia, about which he probably knew very little. His style, and his apathy towards the game, showed me that he was a sports kid being called away by the siren song of art. It was fascinating to see a youth standing over the precipice, weighing the pros and cons of sports and art. I wanted to scream at him that sports vs. art does not have to be a zero-sum game.  “It is possible to be both sports and art and still lead a rich, meaningful life!” I would say. And then in my head, I’d add: “But it is downright ridiculous to play soccer in a knit hat like that, junior…”

Sports Art

March 6, 2009

